Rebranding Of GMOs 2020

See update for 2020 below.

There’s a new kid in town and it’s called the Rebranding Of GMOs 2020

Rebranding Of GMOs 2020 – Genetically modified organism sounds so ominous these days, doesn’t it? What with insecticide inside some GM crops, and the ability to spray weed killer on them all day long without damaging them, it hasn’t been very good PR for companies like Monsanto.

Citizens across the United States are in favor of labeling these crops so they know what they are buying and taking home to their families.

Corporations, with all their political contributions, scare tactics and other means have been unsuccessful in duping the public into thinking these foods are safe to consume.

A change must be made.

What if…we put something beneficial inside these crops like more beta carotene, lycopene or other nutrients? We could continue to put all the other genes in there that allow us to keep our insecticides and weed-resistant crops in place, all in the name of nutrition enhancement. Or, we’ll modify the genes in the plant to silence or enhance certain characteristics. We’ll even add growth hormones to them and call it gene editing NOT gmo. Take your pablum now. And that’s the rebranding of GMOs 2020.

About elizabethd

Elizabeth Dougherty has been cooking and writing about food intensively for more than ten years. She is the fourth generation of chefs and gourmet grocers in her family with her mother, Francesca Esposito and grandmother, Carmella being major influences in her early cooking years. As a teenager, her family sent her to Europe where she became focused on French and Italian cuisine. She survived a year and half of culinary tutelage under a maniacal Swiss-German chef and is a graduate of NYIT, Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality, Business and Labor Relations. Food And Travel Nation has won two news awards for content. Broadcasting LIVE each week, nationwide, on and stations around the country.

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