Tag Archives: Food Contamination

Guest: Miles McEvoy Is “USDA ORGANIC” really Organic?

    Following an interview on the show about the USDA, Food And Travel Nation Network’s Michael Serio starts a heated discussion with strong opinions on why people are concerned about the USDA Organic label, who runs the USDA and why the system is in need of a complete overhaul. …

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The Real Story About GMO’s in the era of FAKE NEWS

We rely upon the news, particularly print journalists, to do research and to write stories that convey all angles so we can have a clear picture of any issue. Recently, the New York Times wrote a piece about genetically modified foods (such as soy, corn, sugar beets and more) we …

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Bill Maher vs Obama on GMOs

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From the Food And Travel Nation Archives: We listened to an audio clip from Bill Maher and his guests, Nick Gillespie, Rachel Maddow, Mort Zuckerman and Mark Ruffaloon on his show discussing genetically modified food. Some of their comments were accurate and some were not. Listen to the clip (which …

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