Search Results for: Top 10

Fancy (yet inexpensive) dinner

Caviar, like the ones from Fauchon, used to be an indulgence reserved for special occasions or the wealthy. These days, it’s relatively easy to find different types of American caviar, from Spoonbill to Sturgeon. American Sturgeon is still a bit pricey, but Spoonbill and Paddlefish have lovely flavor and won’t …

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Linguini with Clam Sauce and antipasti

It’s the weekend and you’ve missed your significant other/fiance/spouse all week with your hectic schedules. Here’s a romantic menu you can make together, or turn it into an impromptu dinner party for six. Whatever you decide, make it fun! Parsley is probably the most underrated herb around. It’s full of …

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alfresco meal for four

Here’s a summer weeknight menu using colorful, fresh ingredients and simple, clean flavors. It won’t take much time to make this and it’s a perfect alfresco meal for four people. Ingredients 4 medium yellow tomatoes 1 medium to large sweet onion 1/2 large cucumber 1 clove garlic olive oil sea …

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Food and Travel Nation with Elizabeth Dougherty THE REAL STORY ABOUT GMOs IN THE ERA OF FAKE NEWS The TRUTH about Food and Travel Original Broadcast Date:  11/26/2018 We rely upon the news, particularly print journalists, to do research and to write stories that convey all angles so we can have …

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Three EASY cookie recipes

We’ve all been there. You’ve got an important project due at work and your mind drifts away to that dreamy place filled with cookies fresh from the oven. Cookie Monster has the same problem, so his friends at Sesame Street posted his new music video, “Share It Maybe.” Here’s the …

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All About Elizabeth Dougherty

ALL ABOUT ELIZABETH DOUGHERTY I love to cook! I have been cooking and writing about food for more than ten years. As the fourth generation of chefs and gourmet grocers in my family, my mother, Francesca Esposito and grandmother, Carmella served as major influences in my early cooking years. As …

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